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Bath Or Shower: Which Should You Choose?

When it comes to bathroom remodeling in Cleveland, Ohio, one of the biggest considerations that homeowners have to make is whether they opt for a bath, shower, or a combination of the two. There are many factors that you will need to consider, including personal preference, available space, and budget. 

If you are not sure which option is the right choice for your bathroom remodeling project, we have explored some of the pros and cons of each option… 


There are fewer things better in life than relaxing in a warm bath after a long and stressful day. Soaking in a tub helps your muscles to relax, relieving any tension that has built up and creating a sense of calmness that is hard to replicate elsewhere. Research has even shown that a hot bath can burn calories! Baths have also been known to help improve skin health and enhance the quality of your sleep, particularly for older people. 

It is these many benefits why many homeowners opt to incorporate a bath when planning their bathroom remodeling in Cleveland, Ohio. However, there are also several downsides to installing a bath. While they are available in a range of shapes and styles, one of the biggest issues that homeowners face is having the space to install one. Baths also have a greater water consumption, which means that regularly having one could lead to higher energy and water bills. 


Just like a bath, there are many advantages of incorporating a shower when undertaking a bathroom remodeling project in Cleveland. For those homeowners who are always on the go, a shower offers the quickest way to get clean and refreshed. It is also far easier to control the temperature of your shower, allowing you to increase and decrease it with ease. They are also a far more eco-friendly option, allowing you to reduce your energy and water consumption. 

Of course, there are also some downsides to having a shower-only bathroom. While they are a great option for a quick way to invigorate your senses and wake yourself up, they do not offer the same level of relaxation and comfort that a bath can provide. They can also strip the natural oils from your skin, leading to dryness and irritation. 

So which is right for you?

There can be no denying that both options provide you with a range of benefits, but when it comes to bathroom remodeling in Cleveland, Ohio, which is right for you? While the decision might be taken out of your hands due to available space, if you do have the room, then ultimately the decision will be down to personal preference. 

When making your choice, consider your daily routine and the routine of your family; if you are often on the go, then a quick shower might be the more practical choice. If you are conscious of your water usage, then a shower might also help you to reduce your impact on the environment. 

Ready to transform your bathroom?

If you are considering bathroom remodeling in Cleveland, Ohio, then Tyger Remodeling is here to help you. Our highly experienced team has helped countless homeowners create the space of their dreams, working closely with them to ensure a room that not only looks beautiful but has the functionality they need. 

We pride ourselves on delivering exceptional service and results with every project, so if you would like to find out more about how we can help you, get in touch today!

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